Lego Group created a real-size model of Bugatti Chiron, without using anything else from Lego Technic and tremendous patience.

The car includes over one million Lego Technic pieces with 2,304 engines and 4,302 gears. The model does not just look impressive, it can carry two passengers and travel at speeds over 20km / h (but the seats may be a bit uncomfortable and hard).

The exterior of the vehicle is a 'leather' made up of thousands of interconnected triangular pieces and a faithful replica of the original up to the Bugatti logos on the interior of the panel and the detachable steering wheel. In addition, no glue is found in the glue.

Designers and engineers from the Lego factory in the Czech Republic have spent more than 13,000 hours to design and build the first self-proving vehicle in Ehra-Lesein in Germany, where the real Chiron was first tested.

According to Lena Dixen, Lego Group's product and marketing chief, "this big model is the province and in many ways we wanted to push the boundaries of our own life with this tool." "Lego Technic is more than a decade old, allowing fans of all ages to test their skills with a building system that forces them to go beyond creating new designs and to develop new functions."

"A fascinating example of the potential of moving the Lego Technic construction system and rediscovering innovation." Although the real-sized Chiron is slightly above the budget of most fans, Lego also offers a miniature copy of the car that you can do at home.

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