A group of researchers from Texas A&M University examines brainwaves that match different emotions and aims to teach them to autonomous tools.

Experts in this laboratory can distill human emotions and develop a head rest that may one day perceive the feelings of the driver in cars.

As soon as he is seated in the car seat, the head restraint begins to measure the brain waves electromagnetically. These brainwaves need to match basic human emotions.

Researchers are stimulating the brain using different technologies in use. Some devices measure electrical activity in the brain, while others monitor the movements of the eye.

Then they define which biological data are the most important. They are then loaded into an autonomous system in real time. This system can be a car.

The goal is to make people and smart cars cooperate better. One application of this may be that autonomous tools perceive the mental state of a person in an environment of military conflict. For example, in an environment where many things happen at the same time, the machine may want to know the level of concern of the person who uses it.

However, in spite of all the advantages of a car that can sense emotions, not everyone wants to understand what they are feeling. Today, automobiles are also computers. Data about a person's mental state may fall into the wrong hands.

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